Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Don't worry, his bite is way worse than his bark

Woah Factor: WWWWW

Huh, for some reason they don't show videos on their site anymore so you will have to try this:

This has been around for a while now so you might have seen it. If you haven't, the future is now. Robots are really starting to become capable in ways that are really really creepy. The video is kind of long; however, not long enough if you are a techno geek like me. 

Don't miss the parts where Big Dog walks through snow and on ice. Are you kidding me! A four legged robot walking on ice? Oh, it's soooo much better than you are thinking right now. I'm not sure when Terminator is coming out but if you watch this clip just before you go see it I'm sure it will enhance the effect. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Have a god complex? This simulator is for you!

Woah Factor: WWWW

Universe : Simulator
What else needs to be said?
So you know that bet you have with a friend about what would happen if the moon suddenly vanished? Well, now you can put it to the test. 

The shot above depicts Saturn's rings being ripped away by a fictional planet that passes by. Up for some planetary antics? Why not set our solar system's sun to be juuuust a bit more massive, put on some Wagner, get a glass of brandy and sit back and watch the show. 

Ahhh I see. You are the more theoretical type. Okay lets start out in the Alpha Quadrant, give me a super massive black hole, a twin star system and a few class "M" planets...uh oh. Was that a Star Trek reference? Anyway, if you are into smashing galaxies together then check this out.

WARNING: repeatedly destroying the universe might cause you to act like a jerk towards your friends. 

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hey can I have a bite of your...never mind.

Woah Factor: WW

This one is very clever. I like things that express some universal truth about the way the world works. I came across this while googling "lunch" for an image to use in a presentation. It's a sandwich bag with mold printed on it, hahahahaha. 

As commenters on other blogs have pointed out it's not sustainable and if bullies are taking your kids lunch at school...seriously? Has the world completely lost its capacity for humor?

Our MBA program has a sustainability component and it's from that perspective that I say, "who cares." They are novelty lunch bags. They cost $10 bucks for 25 bags. Don't go getting all high and mighty. Let he (or she) who has no Zip-Loc bags in their home cast the first stone. 

Of course the best place for this is probably in the faculty lunch room or the fridge at work. Oh, and you can probably rinse them out and reuse them if you are worried about your atmospheric karma.  

Thursday, April 23, 2009

UFOs are confirmed to be man made!

Woah Factor: WWWWW

This is a great topic to get things started. I have a personal interest in biomimicry and/or bionics, depending on who you are talking to. Bascially the idea is to let nature teach us how to design and build objects and systems. Hey nature has millions of years of experience so why do all of the hard work? 

Festo is an industrial automation company (another favorite topic) but they have a division that does crazy stuff. What kind of crazy stuff? Oh, you know, mechanical jellyfish for starters. They have one that flies in the air too. Yes, a giant mechanical flying jellyfish. Don't tell me that doesn't move your "woah" needle. Oh, don't miss the air powered robotic arm that snatches water drops out of the air. 

What does it do you ask? Well, don't because then you would be missing the point. Just check out the link. If you say "woah" then check back for my next post. Of course you should feel free to say something slightly more articulate. Festo, if you are listening, you really need to offer me a job.